Lovro Šubelj is assistant professor of computer and information science at
University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of computer and information science.
His main research interests include
network & link analysis,
particularly macroscopic properties (e.g., clustering, density) and mesoscopic groups of nodes (e.g., communities, modules) in large real-world networks,
and selected fields in
data analysis & mining,
information extraction
and fraud detection.
For publications see
Publications & talks,
while for algorithm implementations and real-world networks see
Supporting material.
For some useful applications see
Protein-protein interactions | Balanced label propagation | JUNG, colt & java libraries |
Network group hierarchy | | Community in JUNG network | Module in colt network |
January 31, 2025 8:02 PM
©2009-2015 Lovro Šubelj
Last change: August 1st, 2015