Network Science Society,
Slovenian Informatics Society,
Slovenian Artificial Intelligence Society,
Journal reviews
Journal of Computer Science and Technology,
July 2015
(J. Comput. Sci. Tech.).
June 2015
Social Network Analysis and Mining,
December 2014
(Soc. Netw. Anal. Min.).
Journal of Systems and Software,
December 2014
(J. Syst. Software).
Scientific Reports,
March 2014
(Sci. Rep.).
Modern Physics Letters B,
February 2014
(Mod. Phys. Lett. B).
International Journal of Modern Physics C,
July 2013, January 2014
(Int. J. Mod. Phys. C).
Journal of Computer Science and Technology: Special Issue on Data Mining,
October 2013
(J. Comput. Sci. Tech.).
Knowledge-Based Systems,
October 2013
(Knowl.-Based Syst.).
Advances of Complex Systems: Topical Issue on Collaborative Software Engineering, A Complex Networks Perspective,
May 2013
(Adv. Complex Syst.).
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,
August, September, November 2012, March, June 2013
(Physica A).
Chinese Physics B,
August 2012
(Chinese Phys. B).
Journal of Computer Science and Technology: Special Issue on Data Mining on Social Networks and Social Web,
October 2011
(J. Comput. Sci. Tech.).
International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design,
September 2010
(Int. J. Infor. Sys. Mod. Des.).
Uporabna Informatika,
September 2010
(Uporab. Inform.).
Conference & workshop reviews
- 27th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems, Stockholm, Sweden (CAiSE '15).
- 8th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, Marrakesh, Morocco (RCIS '14).
- 10th International Baltic Conference on Databases and Information Systems, Vilnius, Lithuania (DB&IS '12).
- 23rd International Conference on Advanced Information Systems, London, United Kingdom (CAiSE '11).
- 22nd International Conference on Advanced Information Systems, Hammamet, Tunisia (CAiSE '10).
- 21st International Conference on Advanced Information Systems, Amsterdam, Netherlands (CAiSE '09).
Conference & workshop committees
- 7th International Conference on Information Technologies and Information Society, Šmarješke Toplice, Slovenia (ITIS '15).
- 21st International Conference on Information and Software Technologies, Druskininkai, Lithuania (ICIST '15).
- 9th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, Athens, Greece (RCIS '15).
- 6th International Conference on Information Technologies and Information Society, Šmarješke Toplice, Slovenia (ITIS '14).
- 20th International Conference on Information and Software Technologies, Druskininkai, Lithuania (ICIST '14).
- 8th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, Marrakesh, Morocco (RCIS '14).
- 1. Mreženje Slovenskih Netvorkašev, Ljubljana, Slovenia (MSN '15).
Conference attendance
- 10th International Conference on Network Science, Zaragoza, Spain (NetSci '15).
- 1st European Social Networks Conference, Barcelona, Spain (EUSN '14).
- 9th International Conference on Network Science, Berkley, California, USA (NetSci '14).
- 22nd International World Wide Web Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (WWW '13).
- 5th Balkan Conference in Informatics, Novi Sad, Serbia (BCI '12).
- 18th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Beijing, China (KDD '12).
- 12th SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, Anaheim, California, USA (SDM '12).
- 11th European Conference on Machine Learning & Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Athens, Greece (ECML PKDD '11).
- 10th European Conference on Machine Learning & Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Barcelona, Spain (ECML PKDD '10).
- 9th European Conference on Machine Learning & Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Bled, Slovenia (ECML PKDD '09).
- 1. Mreženje Slovenskih Netvorkašev, Ljubljana, Slovenia (MSN '15).
- 19. Konferenca Dnevi Slovenske Informatike, Portorož, Slovenia (DSI '12).
- 2. Konferenca Informatika v Javni Upravi, Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia (IJU '10).
- 16. Konferenca Dnevi Slovenske Informatike, Portorož, Slovenia (DSI '09).
Workshop attendance
- 5th International Workshop on Social Network Analysis, Capri, Italy (ARS '15).
- WWW Workshop on Large Scale Network Analysis (LSNA '13).
- KDD Workshop on Software Mining (SoftwareMining '12).
- ECML PKDD Workshop on Finding Patterns of Human Behaviors in Network and Mobility Data (NEMO '11).
- ECML PKDD Workshop on the Analysis of Complex Networks (ACNE '10).
Summer school attendance
3rd Summer School on the Analysis of Patterns,
Cagliari, Italy
(AP '09).
March 2, 2025 11:01 PM
©2009-2015 Lovro Šubelj
Last change: August 1st, 2015
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